
5月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Bye-bye Windows

世間がマルウエアの話題で賑わっている。 なんとも面倒な事だ。 またぞろワクチンソフトを入れないと…と販促に余念がない。 私のパソコンもターゲットに含まれるらしい。 最近、特にパソコンの動きが鈍くなってきた。 別段おかしな事ではなく、windowsとはそういうものらしい。 なんじゃそりゃ? 使うと遅くなり、定期的に買い換えを促すのか? なんとも腹立たしい。 結局、私のストレスはwindowsを使い続ける限り無くならないと言うことらしい。 好い加減うんざりなので抜本的な解決を図ることにした。 windowsを止めさえすればこのストレスから解放されるわけだ。 そこで、Linuxに乗り換えることにした。 調べると以前とは違いかなり使える物になっているようだ。 今日はboot CDを作ろうとしたが上手く行かなかった。 インストール用のCDを自分で作るなんてやったこと無いので失敗続きだ。

Takayama Gifu Prefecture

Takayama  There will be no need to explain it again.Because many guidebooks also introduce it The streets of the Edo period are preserved very well .I have been visiting again and again. Takayama during the day time is, of course, wonderful. But if you can, I would like you to walk on Takayama after dusk.Tourists are extremely few. In the dusk, the lantern will have a light. A fantastic scenery spreads out in front of you. ”Perhaps I am walking around the town of Takayama  in the Edo period?" Maybe you think so. It's a holiday, so it's obviously crowded.

Kiso-Hirasawa, Nagano Prefecture

I learned  in the guide book that old buildings still existed in Kiso-hirasawa next to Narai and stopped by.However, unfortunately Kiso-Hirasawa is still inferior compared to Narai. Firstly, the number of old buildings is small. In addition, electric wires and signboards are destroying the precious scenery. I think that if it can solve the problem it will become an excellent sightseeing resource. For people who like lacquer ware, here is recommended because there are many shops. Kiso road has a lot of old scenery.If administration can properly arrange it, it will be a wonderful long distance trail that can fully enjoy the traveling feeling of the Edo period.This is true for Japanese people, but it is more appealing for foreigners.

Sukawa post , Gunma Prefecture

I visited at Sukawa post in Gunma Prefecture. The atmosphere of the old roadside remains. The street was vacant because I visited early in the morning. Souvenirs were closed.  It will be crowded during the day.