I learned in the guide book that old buildings still existed in Kiso-hirasawa next to Narai and stopped by.However, unfortunately Kiso-Hirasawa is still inferior compared to Narai.
Firstly, the number of old buildings is small.
In addition, electric wires and signboards are destroying the precious scenery.
I think that if it can solve the problem it will become an excellent sightseeing resource.
For people who like lacquer ware, here is recommended because there are many shops.
Kiso road has a lot of old scenery.If administration can properly arrange it, it will be a wonderful long distance trail that can fully enjoy the traveling feeling of the Edo period.This is true for Japanese people, but it is more appealing for foreigners.
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あんまり縁が無いと思っていたベトナム語に手を出す。お客様で結構いるんですよね。なので。プラス不純な動機で。とりあえず入門書で最低ラインの語彙などを覚えるのが第一目標。三カ月もあれば良いかな? その後は使用頻度に応じてどうするか?テキスト有るかな?日本語だと見当たらないけど。 台...
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